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One More Innocent Student kills Herself In Dehradun


सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

An innocent student of standard eight
kills herself at so tender age
blaming herself for poor marks
failing to withstand lots of pulls and pressures from moral-guards.
Yet, another merciless case to suggest
change the mindsets you education-leaders
reduce the number of subjects to just half
abolish all cruelties on innocent students
in the name of discipline and strict-rules
rather focus on nurturing their “reason and conscience”.
This is a blatant murder ghastly
in strict sense of the term
a murder triggered by our bulky and non-sense education system
just reduce the number of subjects drastically
don’t spoil budding invaluable energy of our children
overhaul the rampant evaluation methods
stress on personality development without stress.
Specialization does not come this awkward way
reduce subjects induce positivity in teaching skills
blend of yoga and games ought to be put in logical shape
root-out cruelties from both School-side and home-side
education-leaders it is high time to be mind-wide.
I don’t blame just the army-related School in clementown
I blame and openly criticize the bloody-game
atrocities on students for their own good name
must be uprooted like wild-weed from the standing crop
think hard education-leaders and do your best
you have been foolishly on the mode of rest.

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