Breaking News
Maldives modi

Good Days Of Maldives Come Closer But…………….

Maldives modi

सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

Bharat that is India that is in fact Bharat
heartily welcomes the fresh breeze of democracy
heaving and healing our hearts with its medicinal fragrance
we instantly salute each and every voter of Maldives
who stands beside the new wave.
We are two people
enjoying cultural, physical and sentimental affinity
we share the same ocean and same democratic ethos
liberal Bharat is being governed by the peculiar leader Modi
who aspires to strengthening regional ties
streamlining liberal and like minded countries
to ensure regional prosperity and safety.
The forthcoming regime of Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
ought to take forward fractured ties with Bharat
in order ot make two intimate friends smile wide
fostering world peace the very core of Bharat’s foreign policy.
But sitting is an imperialist of the worst order
at your courtyard and the backyard both
whose motive is .barbarically savage
hungry of territorial expansion
So please take care of you
since we love you and love your people all.

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