Lord Krishna preached the greatest warrior of his times Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra that it is was his dharma to fight evil forces kaurvas to establish the truth and purity of action in life. today, the parallel of mahabharta days stands a challange before the prime minister Modi who is incarnation of Arjuna. lord krishna is no more physically but he lives up in the hearts of sons and daughters of bharat mata. lord ram devoted every bit of his life to deliver good to people irrespective of cast and social status. Rather, lord Ram was the greatest embodiment of social harmony the earth has ever produced in the form of a human-being. to those millions and millions living upon the earth I must make it clear that lord Buddha and lord Mahavira were just a part of lord Ram and Lord krishna in their own times who never claimed to be non Hindus though aimed at purification of age-old greatest Dharma the Hindu. However. today a great force has emerged from the land of dwarka-Dhish the Modi who has ably and boldly come up with “ instant triple talaq” which is even more savage and barbaric than it was Sati rite in the Hindu-fold. This must be banned by law and in practice forever. one who practises it must be declared ex-citizen of Bharat. Citizenship must be taken away from such a person who commits this heinous crime. All other political parties thus stand defeated on moral grounds.They have failed the litmus test to come up with bigotic muslim forces in the country. They have self attested the fact that they can not dismantle the barbaric Islamic block which stands on the way of a progressive bharat. Jinnhas are still alive in the Bharat even more than they are in pakistan. High time has come that the political force like BJP must come down heavily upon the barbaric forces be they in any fold. To love Bharat Mata and readiness to sacrifice oneself on the feet of Bharat Mata is the greatest element of Hindu-Dharma. It is not barbarism. Islam must recognise the fact that same is true for them. They must bow down before Bharat Mata and discard of bigotism which was preached by Aurangzeb. Muslim males must come forward and declare themselves totally against the sin of instant Triple Talaq and embrace civilized way of life. prime Minister Modi is all set to become the prime Minister of bharat again so, o! evil caste oriented forces your conspiracy to befool the people of India to strengthen your vote bank will fade away to your great amazement.