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The First Jungle Book Of ONGC


सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

O eastern swamp deer
wearing are you the majestic crown dear
your shocking extinction was too near
alarm bells were ringing loud and clear
eco-friendly tempered ONGC was there
its praiseworthy sympathy for you
which still pours out liberally is rare.
ONGC pioneered your survival and evolution drive
raising for you distinct natural beehive
Manas sanctuary is said to be your new safe heaven
as ONGC’s large heart is beating for you
you ought not worry now
your present is secured and future is bound to thrive.
Rich biodiversity is the only guarantee
our own existence is rooted into its healthy-continuity
look up the flowering faces of these innocent angels of the jungle
they convey us the essential-integrity of humans and such delicate creatures
holy and farsighted championship of ONGC
cause is all about the much needed awareness and biodiversity-centric delicacy.

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