B. of Journalism
M.A, English & Hindi
सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित-
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)
Mr. Benjamin wins Mr Modi is bound to win
We lavishly hope
by the time you would be
engaging in this delightful response
you ought to have secured fifth term, overall
fourth successive term, after all
much to the satisfaction of all those
who have vowed to eliminate Jihad
from the very face of the earth
in order to promote peace and prosperity of great worth.
Right wing Likud party
alongwith other nationalist and religious parties
morally need loud and wonderful applause
as the full fledged state of great Israel
ought to emerge as more and more powerful
for balanced growth of the region
universal brotherhood is the reason
death to Islam oriented Jihad is the vision.
Mr. Benjamin Natan Yahu
here Mr. Narendra Modi
U.S.A’s Mr. Donald Trump
besides, France and Britain
peaceful people of the world look at you
eradication of religious-extremism is due
future generations deserve justice
human civilization needs universal characteristic
therefore, it seems quite basic
Israel and Bharat need uninterrupted approach nationalistic.
Hail Israel Hail Bharat