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Onset of new year failed to bring a bright hope for the earth (a poem)



B. of Journalism
M.A, English & Hindi
सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित-
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

lip service and blame-game baffles the spirit of anti climate change drive

One hundred ninety two members of United Nations Organization
most probably you are all far away from the ground realization
first you forget that you would ever unearth the mother-earth like heavenly materialization
though the patience and large heartedness of the mother-earth are beyond your visualization
but oh! members of UNO as children of mother-earth your childish motives are primitive not any civilization
excuses and ostentatious exercises prevail upon your minds and hearts when it comes to mother-earth’s health and immunization
with polluted-minds and selfish-hearts imposing-masks you think you would break the ground is just a falsification
you people behave just like school-going children pretending to solve the mystery of immense gravitation
mother-earth is passing through the critical-health-status which is its children’s own fatal-creation
Kyoto-protocol, Paris agreement and latest the Katowice conference ended up on a rather passimistic note of un-determination
“where there is a will there is a way”, oh! gentlemen bearing fake smiles is the simple justification
world community, “riding on the wave of technological-ego and some distant illusory miracle” is therefore wholly out of concentration
happy christmas and happy new year thus go empty and warmthless Mr. Antonio Guterres the enthusiastic S. General of the august world formation.
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