Breaking News
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Mr. President Donald Trump You Feel Our Agony and Fury

trump modi netanyahu

chief editor nwn

B. of Journalism
M.A, English & Hindi
सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

Pakistan (holy-place) Always Behaves Like Jihadistan

Mr. Donald Trump and peace loving Americans thanks
all of us share democratic values and essence of peace
we exercise patience till the last moment
our true strength lies in understanding others
but, dead end is approaching fast
fomenting volcano of patience is going to blast.
Islam-centric terrorism can not derail us from the path of peace
but, we must break its very back bone please
we fall in the international terrorism-sensitive zone
our immediate neighbour is a disguised don
he takes us cowardice for our defensive tone
but, enough is enough as you uttered Mr. Trump America’s patron.
Mr. Netanyahu you too favour us
you too carry same wounds in your heart
unfortunately, we are the bleeding nations
our only fault is we are non-islamic states
tomorrow Mr. Modi might be taking his holy dip
becoming the part of almost three months long festival-divine
our holy mother river Ganga impatiently waits for him
Mr. Netanyahu our patience is rising up to brim
he will emerge out of Ganga seeking blessings for the task-supreme.

   -Hail America            -Hail Israel               -Hail Bharat

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