B. of Journalism
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सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित-
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)
Oh! world community not mitigation just an effective scientific solution
Largest archipelago in the world again
undergoing through the dark passage of heart-rending pain
massive Tsunami hits it once again
heart is sinking so is the brain
beaches of Indonesia shall how long drain
huge number of innocent lives time and again.
This time more than two fifty people so far perished
leaving back around one thousand badly injured including several missing
how many more shall we lose is horribly frightening
volcanic eruption deep in the sea wildly propagated the wave of warrant of death
at the threshold of new year we witnessed the sea in horrific-wrath
why do scientific community fail to predict oceanic-tremor well in time
why do you remain obsessed with inventing lethal weapons quite in rhyme
you ought to create defence walls on beachsides world around
UNO must have a distinct organ to cope up with such massive natural disasters
what kind of you people are the so called world-masters.
Nobody knows how to put out devastating forest fires yet
nobody knows how to ring bells of alarm in time
picking up tremors of any kind in the earth soon after it take birth
then boasting of scientific advancement doesn’t hold any water
health and safety alongwith peace are the prime matter
discovery of Mars and Jupiter are the subjects of later.
-जय भारत
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