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Mother Teresa, Goddess of Compassion


You were the eternal sublime source of humanity
milk of kindness occupies whole of your oceanic heart
your humane thoughts evaporated continually up from this ocean
came down as gentle showers upon the tormented souls.
who says?
you were a Supreme soul of a saint
instead, infact you were a perfect goddess in human cloak
you incarnated in erstwhile great Yugoslavia from invisible holy heavens
descended upon the sacred soil of Bharat(India)
healed the rotten wounds of numerous dying-dejected orphans on the streets of Calcutta and outside.
You compassionately revived socially segregated, emotionally alienated tirelessly, day and night
besides those who were thrown out of their homes like the lump of garbage and filth
those became your loved ones family members of your own
you blew as cool breeze in the sizzling desert of humiliated and rejected
your benevolence emitted divine blissful light of compassion and illuminated
narrow and selfish lanes of ignorant hearts.

                                                                                                             Virendra Dev Gaur

                                                                                                             Chief Editor (NWN)


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