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Jinnah’s heart Be Removed from The Body Of Aligarh Muslim University


सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित-
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

Jinnah’s portrait
if it is anywhere in the campus
must be thrown away immediately
his surviving communal ghosts be dug deep
into the ground injecting communial-venom
in the warm blood of muslim students
turning them into live-bombs of Jihad.
Jinnah the chief architect of two nation therory
haunts the Aligarh Muslim University feverishly
his harmonal-ideology of Jihad captures the fancy of young muslims here
Jawaher Lal Nehru University used to be an ideal bastion for nurturing leftist-ideology
the foreign ideology which is now a dead tree trunk waiting to fall
but so called comrades are still drunk
very much like AMU sparks the venomous doctrine of Jihad in the young hearts
illogically boosting the cause of Jihad in Kashmir reversibly
Universities can not be allowed to weaken the bonds of communal unity
Jihad must not flourish under the garb of illusionary diversity.
Strict regulation acts thus must be attuned to promote patriotism
no amount of freedom must trespass into nationalism
nationalism has no dual meaning but unshakable devotion to motherland
no constitution ought to challenge this formidable contention
the most potent weapon for national integration and international unification
Bharat needs to wipe-out the fatal germs of Jihadination
Let’s consolidate the power of those who take risks for communal immunization.

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