सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित-
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)
My beloved countrymen
there is a great School in Dehradun
ideals of this School are so high
inferior to it is even the sky.
Yes, of course my countrymen
it is even above the high traditions of the land
Bharat Mata matters nothing
its unique Viewpoint is everything.
The great day of Mahashivratri is no holiday
Srikrishna-Janmashtami is no holiday
Shri Ram Sri Krishna and Shiv-Shankar are its prey
you inspire our children in this extraordinary way.
Oh! great School
you quit this land
having no regards for the motherland
if you are greater than mother Bharat itself
then Bharat is not a place for you think yourself.
Don’t spoil
tender minds and hearts of our children
you deny Lord Ram
you deny Lord Krishna
you reject Lord Shiv
mind it
Your teaching calibre is too low
don’t hide yourself in pomp and show
what are you doing in the name of Army
regret deeply and send ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ to me.