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pulwama war

Muslim leaders in Kashmir “ darling brain children” of Jihad

pulwama war

chief editor nwn

B. of Journalism
M.A, English & Hindi
सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

Kashmir “cosy breeding-nest” of Islamic-Jihad

Fragmentation and occupation of Bharat
Jihadistan’s folklore and is ultimate goal
mission into which they have put their heart and soul
whom you call separatists
they are in fact Kashmiri Jihadists
advocating Jihadistan’s third party role
all these are Talibanised drunken souls
Jihadi wolves beneath the skin of innocent sheep
penetrated already into different regions of Bharat deep
with a vow in their chest to make a clean sweep
ultra-Islam’s Talibanised Khalifa rule at large
which once happened under the Ottoman empire in the past
until they will continue to invent all sorts of blasts.
Let’s thus wait and watch
whether Mr. Modi decisively dismantles Jihadistan
centre of gravity of Jihad’s “Mecca and Madina”
peeping into our eyes are Sindh, Gilgit and Baluchistan
hoplessly bleeding is our thirty three percent Kashmiristan
when will we take it back from the Jihadistan
heart broken stands our Hindustan.

-Hail Bharat        -Hail Jawan      Hell-Islamic-terrorism

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