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neta ji

Bapu Was Heart Netaji Was Heart Beats

neta ji

सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

Bapu’s peaceful methods for freedom
if created lots of milk in the huge container of national movement
then it was Subhash Chandra Bose the Netaji
who set the churning process in motion
extracting out the “cream” of freedom
stirring up the then Royal armed forces one by one
beginning with the Royal naval force at Bombay
melting down the very haughty British imperial posture
eventully turning them to mere-lambs the poor-vulnerabls.
Alas! Neta ji was physically not with us here
though most certainly alive some-where
narrow national politics and the wide British fear
Bapu’s loosening grip and diminishing political sphere
trials of Netaji’s officers and soldiers by the British
at the Red fort culminating into fiery nationalism in the atmosphere
as it were anti-imperialist volcanoes erupting everywhere.
Such was the miraculous impact country-wide
it was in fact Netaji’s far-sighted vision in sight
his meritorious military struggle and self-respectful fight
he loved Bapu but he loved Bharat Mata thousand times
a poet can devote at his feet thousands and thousands of rhyms
we hold Bapu in high esteem and honour
but we love Netaji above any honour
even the Shajahan’s Red fort murmurs him in fright
who will measure Netaji’s true height
huge statue needs to be erected rising much above the Lahori gate
Modi ji, Netaji was the Prime-Classical leader who ruled his own fate.



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