Breaking News

Top cops usually rush to stitch the image being distorted by cops at the base




B. of Journalism
M.A, English & Hindi
सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

जिस पल हर तीसरा दिल केवल माँ भारती का हो जाएगा 
उसी पल देश की माटी से जिहाद का ज़र्रा-ज़र्रा मिट जाएगा।

No suspensions but expulsions

At least, my countrymen, at least
fo the sake of basic concept of credibility
stunning cases of broad day light robbery by the police
must be dealt with an iron hand
by throwing them behind the bars
immediately declaring them out of the police force
merely, suspensions carry no purpose
serve no good to anyone
rather, provide lubricant of corruption to the engine of the police.
On orders of I.G Garhwal Range
acting swiftly the S.S.P Dehradun
a daaroga besides two other cops
discovered with proven proofs
guilty of committing day light robbery
looting a property dealer Anurodh Panwar
must have been fired from the job with immediate effect
restoring much needed creadibility of the police
ensuring image of the top cops
making the public to feal
their safety is the only priority and zeal.
Policing system in our country
awaits an “overhaul” pertaining to training and duty-culture
inculcating human values and patriotism
making police sober, hardworking and honest
otherwise, they will continue to tarnish
positive image of their “upright” superiors
police being the backbone of very social-order
they are as important as brave armymen on the border.

Hail Bharat          Hail Jawaan                   Hail Kisaan

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