CBSE is a money making machine
One can seek affiliation feeding it with money
to run a school on one’s whims and taste
which becomes the rule of law in these Schools.
The octopus of CBSE
exploits its Schools for granting affiliation
the owners of Schools exploit its teachers mercilessly
the owners and teachers together exploit children
to their level best as a compact -corrupt team.
CBSE is a hub of corruption
paper leak is just a minor issue or no issue for CBSE
CBSE officials right from the top to bottom are neck deep in corruption
having no sentiments for the innocent students.
My dear government
democracy is not all about loot of public’s hard earned money
our children are our future
transparency and harmony in its internal administration
alongwith uniformity in courses and books concerned
be ensured at all costs
across the length and breadth of the country.
Paper leak is a super-national issue
real culprits must be brought to book soon
stringent punishment must be awarded to them
the country needs a transparent and responsible CBSE
unlike today it must be made corruption free
it can not be allowed to function immorally
breeding corruption and making our future citizens corrupt and unethical.
Virendra Dev Gaur